Each month from February to December, the Tambellup CRC produces the Topics Newsletter. A whopping read at around 40 pages each month, it covers local news from our region, local government, and beyond.

Topics continues to be solely supported by the Shire of Broomehill-Tambellup and donations from our subscribers. Donations are the lifeblood of our publication. The Topics publication has continued across many generations as a result of our community’s commitment.

A green electronic copy of our publication is published online and can be accessed by the button above. Alternatively, you can subscribe to receive an email copy each month by emailing topics@tambellupcrc.net.au and asking to be put on the email list, or by clicking here.

All community members are encouraged to submit items for publication. Submissions for each edition should be received prior to 4pm on the 25th of each month. Please email items to topics@tambellupcrc.net.au or tbtopics@gmail.com. Alternatively, your information can be dropped into the Tambellup Community Resource Centre, Broomehill or Tambellup Shire Offices, or click here and fill in an online form (this form is a trial please let us know what works and what doesn’t if you use it thank you).

Hard copies are welcome, but electronic versions are preferred.



All prices are GST inclusive

Size Black & White Colour
Full page (A4) $75 $150
½ page $40
¼ page $20
Business card size $12
Local only – business card size $50 per year

Donations are greatly appreciated.


*Free ads and community news submissions are black and white and may be reduced in size.

**Disclaimer: Material submitted by third parties to the publication is the sole responsibility of those third parties. We accept no responsibility for the content of third-party material, including, without limitation, any error, omission, or inaccuracy therein.

Tambellup CRC accepts no liability in respect of any material submitted by users and published by us and is not responsible for its content or accuracy.

We reserve the right to make additions or deletions to materials submitted to the site, or to refuse publication by deleting the material that is defamatory or pursuant to legal matters.

Topics Mailout – Subscribe Today!

For just $38.50, receive a copy of Topics in the post for the next year (11 editions).

CLICK HERE to subscribe.

Topics Email – Subscribe Today!

CLICK HERE to receive the Topics straight to your email inbox

You can also sign up to receive submission reminders or mid-month event reminders